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Keywords: Emerging Market Economies

The Policy Response in Emerging Market Economies in the G20 Report / Fatih Özatay, PhD
Haber Resim
09/12/2014 "The global financial crisis caused sharp output and employment losses in most of the advanced- and emerging-market economies, and triggered an intense discussion on how to achieve financial stability and design an optimal financial architecture to [More]
G20’s 2014 Growth Strategy Debated at TEPAV Australian Ambassador James Larsen stated that they are working with Turkey for a successful transfer of G20 presidency on December
Haber Resim
20/03/2014 ANKARA – TEPAV and the Australian Embassy co-organized a meeting titled “G20 2014 Growth Strategies: Improving the Business Environment” on Wednesday, 20 March 2014. The meeting moderated by Bozkurt Aran, Director of TEPAV's Center for Multil [More]